I was so excited to read this journal for my PJK assignment. I need to submit by this Monday. Ecstatically I read the abstract then decide this title as my journal review. When comes to the other part, it was written in Taiwan language. I e-mail the writer to send me the English version if any. So by this weekend, I need to change another topic.
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a weight control program to reduce body weight among obese junior high students. A quasi-experimental design was conducted with obese students in two junior high schools in Taipei. One school was assigned as an experimental group with 55 students participated in the program. The other school served as a control group with 54 students. Students in the experimental group received fourteen-week of weight control educational activities. The weight control program included healthy eating, regular exercise and other behavioral change activities. These behavioral change activities were designed based on the transtheoretical model with different stages of the body weight management. Students in the control group did not receive any educational intervention. Data on BMI, dietary behavior, perceived weight-control pros, perceived weight-control cons , perceived diet self-efficacy, perceived exercise self–efficacy and stages of weight control were collected and comparisons were made before and after the program and between the experimental and control groups. Results showed that students in the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group in all indicators measured after the weight control program. This preliminary result indicated the effectiveness of incorporation of transtheoretical model in an educational intervention program for weight control and the management of weight control related behavioral changes.
Li – Rong Liu, R.N. M. Ed.
The author is a doctoral student in the Department of Health Education at National Taiwan Normal University and a school nurse at Municipal Shipai Junior High School in Taipei, Taiwan. Contact Author: Li – Rong Liu, Municipal Shipai Junior High School in Taipei, Taiwan No. 139, Sec. 1, Shipai Rd., Jili Li, Beitou Dist., Taipei 112, Taiwan; phone: (02) 28224683-237; fax: (02)25793441; email: lirongliu@tp.edu.tw
Moral: Learn 4th language.
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