Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Ramadhan Survivor

I want to start off by asking you some very important questions:

Think carefully about your answers:

  • Have you ever set your alarm clock to wake up for suhoor, only to be awoken by the light of dawn shining into your room, and the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you just missed your only chance to eat today?
  • Can you remember a time during Ramadan when you were so tired and thirsty that you became agitated and snapped at someone and then really regretted it because you know that’s not what this month is about?
  • Does it annoy you to know that productivity in Muslim countries goes down significantly during Ramadan, and you want to do something about it but know that it needs to start with you?
  • Can you remember a time during Ramadan when the whole day you were just thinking about what you were going to eat after the fast, and then felt bad because you were missing the spiritual rewards of it all?
  • Have you ever had trouble going back to sleep after waking up for Suhoor, and as a result woken up for work in a very groggy and grumpy mood?


  • Have you ever kept the fast at work, but honestly didn’t perform to your potential because you were tired, and then had that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that work colleagues were talking about your reduced performance behind your back?
  • Have you ever promised yourself you’d wake up for tahajjud during the last 10 blessed nights of Ramadan, but then woke up late and found yourself deciding between breakfast & tahajjud prayer (no guesses which one won!)
Do you remember a time when you reached the end of Ramadan with a deep feeling of regret because the month has already escaped you and you did far less acts of worship than you know you should have?

Do You Recognize These? Are You Still Worried?

Your Questions Answered

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, I have some important news for you. You are NOT alone. In fact, that list of questions was created by interacting with hundreds of visitors and students via our website last year. And no, you’re not lazy and you’re actually willing to work hard to have a guilt-free Ramadan – although sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly how to fight the many challenges we all face during Ramadan and stay productive.

Get Rid of These Mistakes (or Guilt) Once and for All

What if I told you there was a straightforward, practical set of techniques that a reasonably hardworking person could apply and achieve to have a more productive Ramadan? No, it’s not a magic suhoor pill!

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