Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Huge minds discuss ideas,

Moderate minds discuss events,

Small minds discuss peoples.

I found it 2 years ago while reading a book, sorry cant remember the book's title. At that momment, the ibrah (read lesson) that i've taken from this quote is the third line; 'small mind discuss people'. When discussing people, it seems like 'mengumpat'.

But today, the quote comes to my mind again. Since i'm joining the world of blogging, i always discuss the events or myself. So, it can be categorized as a moderate or small mind. Oh, it is unfair huhu.

My stand is gaining an ibrah, moral or lesson of the story that i've been publish. It is for myself correction, n bonus if can share with others.

The movement in this path is so slow but not slowing down, its just a beginning, grabbing the ibrah and knowledge is my priority. Ignore what others say towards you, but taking it as a reminder.

Allah with you!

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