Thursday, 23 May 2013

Urban Cyclist

Announcing, i bought a new mountain bike costing RM800. It use to help me reducing weight before my wedding day, to keep fit before Ramadhan, to enjoy the unlimited beauty of Labuan and to enjoy 'freedom' to do anything (read: physical activity) before married.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A new chapter


Happily announced that i'm getting married InsyaAllah this coming Syaaban. I don't know how to start writing regarding this topic. I didnt expect that my future husband is him.. erghhh.. Walawehhh, later laaa..

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for His uncountable nikmat and blessings. Thank you to our both sides families, colleague and former friends.

And really excited for this coming Ramadhan.

Thank you Allah, guide us in this new beginning chapter.


Amal Harun
Kepala Batas.